Flint Group reinforces its commitment to sustainability


Flint Group Packaging Inks has released a new white paper detailing the company’s supplier selection process, helping to achieve transparent and sustainable supply chain for the print and packaging industry.

The white paper explores four key initiatives that have been developed as part of the company’s sustainable supply model, including a supplier selection process, which sees potential new suppliers undergo checks and financial assessment to ensure the appropriate trading capability is in place.

Flint Group also performs a sustainability assessment to compare supplier performance against 10 UN Global Compact principles and some of its sustainable development goals on top of a health, safety and environmental review assessing delivery processes and compliance with local and international packaging and labelling legislation.

Each supplier also undergoes a quality and regulatory assessment, which considers compliance with regulatory requirements according to product, service, market and geography.

Based on these four principals, suppliers are provided with a score to ensure that all parts of the sustainable supply model have been effectively addressed.

Arno de Groot, vice president of procurement for Flint Group Packaging said: ‘We have a strong sustainability vision embedded in everything we do at Flint Group Packaging Inks. However, this can only be truly realized if we extend our commitments to our stakeholders and suppliers located around the world. The rigorous standards we set ourselves should also be applicable to those with whom we partner, so that our supply chain is transparent and aligned with achieving sustainable business practices and processes.

‘Our sustainable supply model is built on the principles of strong ethical management and, within our Packaging Inks business, we have aligned our strategies and operations to that of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact in relation to the management of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. The model complements the objectives set within the Compact and is intended to extend our approach to sustainability and ethical responsibility across our supply chain.’

The full version of the new white paper can be downloaded from the company’s website.


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